Where To Find Food And Water Dayz. Consider storing more water than this for hot climates for pregnant women and for people who are sick. Make sure you check the front seats trunk and even the ground around them.

It is also important for players to understand that players can also hunt for food as well. Medical supplies can be found primarily in related facilities such as hospitals and medical centers. Food and Drink one of the four primary categories of loot in DayZ refers to any item or liquid that can be consumed by a survivor for sustenance.
Military posts and bases also spawn tactical bacon again and in fact the spawn rate is pretty high as Ive found at least 16 tactical bacons in the southern half of nwaf alone.
FoodCooking is a major survival mechanic in 7 Days to Die. Food houses pictured above tend to have more to eat than a grocery story and often include bottles of water or a Canteen. Using a splitting axe to open a food can for example can spill 20-30 of the stored food while a kitchen knife can only lose 0-20. Food typically replenishes both energy and hydration while drink typically only replenishes hydration.