What Is A Male Domestic Fowl Called. Is a young domestic not wild turkey Poultry are domesticated birds that are kept for meat or eggs including birds of the order Galliformes. The male of the domestic fowl.

The Red Jungle Fowl assumed to be the ancestor of all domesticated fowl. Bird shown as duck in list. Some farmers kill them because they damage their crops and birds of prey including large African eagles and owls hunt them.
Chicken turkey natatorial swimming birds.
3 letter words DOG - HEN - RAM - TOM - TUP 4 letter words. Gallus gallus chicken - a domestic fowl bred for flesh or eggs. Guinea Fowls are one of the few species in the animal kingdom that mate for life. Chickens on the other hand are a subspecies of the red junglefowl known scientifically as Gallus gallus domesticusAs its name indicates the chicken is a domesticated fowl.