Mutton Chops Beard Black Man. It even adds the option to let your Sims trim and shave beards at their sinks. From the classic style to goatees and even mutton chops black men are starting to love facial hair once again.

Best Beard Clippers for Black Men. Beards are back in town. This mod will allow beards to grow slowly like in real life.
Maybe actual mutton chops arent your thing however despite everything youre hoping to shroud your cheeks.
Wash your beard with shampoo and a conditioner to maintain adequate. The smart clipping of the Mutton Chops make this beard style smart and cool ideal for working guys. Maybe actual mutton chops arent your thing however despite everything youre hoping to shroud your cheeks. To pull off this manly look successfully the key is to shave the chin area the mustache and the soul patch.