Kenshi How To Make Enough Food. It is grown at a Cactus Farm and must be grown in an arid Environment. However not eating dirt is not always the optimal outcome weirdly enough.

After you can make bread it can be combined with greenfruit to make food cubes which can be further made into ration which is probably the best food for travel. High fertility for growing and access to resources -- stone copper iron animals for meat and water are key. They can be looted frequently from Ancient Labs Ancient Tech Lab Burns.
Since the building is so large the guard coverage is spotty and even if a guard is there you can usually just wait and theyll eventually walk away.
It is grown at a Cactus Farm and must be grown in an arid Environment. Food cubes 75 nu Need 1 bread and 8 greenfruits to create. High fertility for growing and access to resources -- stone copper iron animals for meat and water are key. Sadly we do not have LOOT or BOSS tools for kenshi.