Tin Mackerel Pasta. Once the water has boiled add the spaghetti. Cheap and abundant in healthy fats tinned mackerel is a great way to make your midweek pasta super-nutritious as well as convenient.

Tin Mackerel In Tomato Sauce Spaghetti Recipes By Chef Ricardo. Once most of the tomatoes have burst add the contents of the can of mackerel to the pan and with a big spoon or spatula break the mackerel down into chunks or flakes. Put the cans of Princes Mackerel in a Spicy Tomato Sauce into a bowl and break up into chunks.
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Enoki Mackerel Takikomi Gohan Canned Mackerel in Brine 125g 180ml cup Japanese Short Grain Rice Enoki Mushrooms Sake Rice Wine small piece Ginger grated Soy Sauce Mirin Topping of your choice eg. See more ideas about mackerel pasta mackerel pasta. This delicious family recipe uses good quality tinned mackerel in a luscious garlicy tomato sauce. 3 Bring to a simmer and hold while cooking the pasta according to package instructions.