Kelewele Meaning. In English it is sometimes referred to as hot plantain crisps. Kelewele - sweet plantain combines with ginger with peanuts scattered on top.

In the Ghanian capital of Accra youll usually see kelewele sold by street vendors in the evening. Popular evening street food of cubed ripe sweet plantains tossed in a mixture of spices like freshdried ginger powder black pepper chilli powder and deep fried. Although very tasty these snacks were dripping with oil which generally soaked through the newspapers they were sold in through to the plastic bag they were packaged in.
Anywhere you go in this world irrespective of the taste method of preparation or significance food is just what it.
What defined kelewele was the sweetness of the plantain mixed with a peppery ginger sauce. 2 tablespoons water or lemon juice. In Accra kelewele is usually sold at night by street vendors. Popular evening street food of cubed ripe sweet plantains tossed in a mixture of spices like freshdried ginger powder black pepper chilli powder and deep fried.