Japanese Garlic Fried Rice Singapore. This is a Japanese style and I have a very odd but very well pretty much like game-changing ingredient here that Im gonna be using a little bit later on. Choice of 1 meat includes our crispy all-time favourite Mid-Wings newly launched Chicken Cutlet or just top it up at 1 for healthy smoked salmon.

Add mushroom garlic cook stirring often for about 2 mins. Get food news and reviews along with exclusive deals and more delivered right to you. Their garlic fried rice is fragrant to a bomb and what I consider comfort food.
Presenting to you our enchanted delicious Japanese garlic fried rice with delicious baked mushroom with turkey bacon as a side.
15 Stamford by Alvin Leung 555 Villa Thai 8 Korean BBQ Shaw Centre and more. Their garlic fried rice is fragrant to a bomb and what I consider comfort food. Season with salt pepper. Cook for about 2 mins or until the mushrooms are soft.