Indian Red Jungle Fowl Chickens. The varieties of red shown in the key are descriptors provided by the hatcheries and breeders. White yellow light brown with dark streaks on back.

The Indian Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus murghi is the native gallus subspecies of Southern Asia Genome Sequence Center 2006 with a limited distribution in Deva Vata National Park Azad Jammu and Kashir Pakistan Johnsgard 1999. The Indian Red Jungle Fowl are a rare chicken breed. The varieties of red shown in the key are descriptors provided by the hatcheries and breeders.
We now know most of the chickens come from gallus gallus murghi the Indian red jungle fowl but we still call those chickens bankivoid The odd ones with the solid bones we call Malaynoid Malay or oriental fowl.
Next to a larger chicken like the Brahma the Jungle Fowl looks as if it is a bantam. Rooster 45 lbs Hen 3 lbs Cockerel 4 lbs Pullet 25 lbs. Indian Red Jungle Fowl are slightly smaller then the average chicken with a small tear shaped head. The breed originated in India and it is claimed that all present varieties of chickens descended from them.