Coke Pork Chops Worms. PORK meet COCA COLA WORM. CDC suggests safe cooking temperatures for various meats.

Many people have debunked the myth on YouTube yet videos claiming the contrary also continue to circulate. Trichinosis is a food-borne illness that is caused by eating raw or undercooked meats particularly pork products infested with a particular worm. This is an urban legend which has circulated online for over a decade.
The origins and motivation for the hoax are not currently known.
So I test to see if this is actu. I saw this video where they pour coca cola on a couple of pork chops and roughly 2 hours later there are worms crawling out of the chops. The processing and farming of pork these days dramatically reduces the liklihood that youll find a tapeworm in your nicely packaged pork chop from the grocery store. PORK meet COCA COLA WORM.