Vazhaithandu Soup. Instant pot Vegan Mohinga Soup Some Major Asian cuisines include Chinese Japanese Thai Indian each cuisine has its own cooking styles. Grind the roasted dried chili coriander and dill into powder and add to the plantain mixture.

There are numerous benefits of banana stem. Citation neededThe 1968 Tamil film Panama Pasama featured the song Vazhai Thandu. I just added 2 spoons of cooked quinoa so that I can have this as a meal.
Now add chopped onion and curry leaves.
Slice off the thin outer ring it will be opaque comparatively. Actually this combo worked well and bowl of this soup kept me full from lunch to dinner. How to make Vazhaithandu Soup. Immerse in water till use and using veg peeler keep on stirring to remove the fibernaar in thandu Pic 1.