Ugly Delicious Indian Fried Chicken. Refrigerate for 2 hours or. Star chef David Chang leads friends on a mouthwatering cross-cultural hunt for the worlds most satisfying grub.

Leave to marinate for 2 hours. Star chef David Chang leads friends on a mouthwatering cross-cultural hunt for the worlds most satisfying grub. Every culture has a version of fried chicken but after considering Japan China and his own Korean roots Dave must venture to the American South to explore our tasty yet complicated history with the dish.
Toss the chicken in the marinade making sure it is well coated.
2018 TV-MA 2 Seasons Lifestyle. Ugly Delicious offers introductory conversations around the racial and cultural politics of food. The Fried Chicken Episode Of Ugly Delicious Is Actually All About Food Politics And Race In Our Society The Netflix food show is more than your average food show. Nashville I highly recommend the Fried Chicken episode of Netflixs Ugly Delicious - lots of Nashville and Hot Chicken in this episode its well done.