Tendies Stock. Tendies refers in general to any financial gain on the stock market and is used when traders make money from a stock. After all bulls bears and theta gang only want one thing TENDIES.

TENDIES means Financial gain on the stock market. For example if you were to make a trade that results in exponential returns youll be getting tendies Like much of Wallstreetbets language the phrase has self-deprecating humor. Tendies refers to winnings taken from bold or reckless stock wagers.
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JPOW Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. The tendies meme began on the anonymous image-board website 4chan and spans several social media platforms. Tendies is a term the traders Reddits Wall Street Bets WSB use to describe money or financial gain. For example if you were to make a trade that results in exponential returns youll be getting tendies Like much of Wallstreetbets language the phrase has self-deprecating humor.