Tallarin Verde Con Churrasco. Pesto pasta with grilled steak. Plain spaghetti green or red.

Green spaghetti made with basil spinach Sauce topped with broiled potato and Grilled Rib-eye Steak. Churrasco a lo pobre Sizzing black angust skirt steak cooked to order served with french fries white rice topped with a hat of fried egg and fried plantain. 1700 Tallarin Verde Con Churrasco.
Tallarines Verdes Con Churrasco Recipe. Tallarin Verde Con Churrasco. TALLARIN VERDE CON CHURRASCO 2099. Churrasco a lo pobre Sizzing black angust skirt steak cooked to order served with french fries white rice topped with a hat of fried egg and fried plantain.