Soup For The Soul Wow Quest. Soup for the Soul shares artwork with the Hearthstone card Squire. The important thing to note here is that you need to use the cooking pot that The Rokk gives you in the Ancestral.

70 Super Hot Stew. It is possible to have the Roasted Clefthoof or other foods crafted on an alternate character since they require a higher level cooking and mailed to the character you wish to do the quest on. The important thing to note here is that you need to use the cooking pot that The Rokk gives you in the Ancestral.
70 Super Hot Stew.
Soup For the Soul Cooking Quest. The Rokk in Shattrath city gives you a daily cooking quest called Soup for the Soul. To make Spiritual Soup you need to be at the Ancestral Grounds in Nagrand and have the following items. Return to him when its done.