Sideburns Vs Mutton Chops. What Are Mutton Chops. Within a few years of this the facial hair down the side of ones cheeks rather than being called mutton chops as it was at the time in some regions began being called a modification of burnsides sideburns with the first documented instance of this being in 1887.

The most common variety of the Imperial beard family is the Friendly Mutton Chops. Geometric patterns and shapes can help to make your mutton chops look more business-like. Sideburns have been called everything from skinny to mutton chops.
Mutton Chops are a facial hair style that comes from sideburns and goes back centuries.
What Are Mutton Chops. I get a lot of men asking for a Chris Isaak or a James Dean especially now that serious facial hair is giving way to something neater and more. Thankfully his sideburns didnt affect the voters when they voted him into the Hall of Fame. Sideburns typically run the length of the ear or less.