Shrimp Plural In Spanish. Shrimp has two plurals. Your browser doesnt support HTML5 audio.

Well examine some of the. Hartley - Morgan City - acanthus family - brine shrimp - butterfly - chow mein - devein - egg roll - fairy shrimp - fantail - ghost shrimp - justicia - lo mein - mandibulate - mantis shrimp - mussel shrimp - opossum shrimp - ostracod - pistol shrimp - scampi - scrimp - seed shrimp - shrimp plant - shrimper - shrimpfish - snapping shrimp. Other nouns in English have one form for the singular and another for the plural such as goose for the singular and geese for the plural.
Las gambas son muy importantes para la comida mediterránea.
Certain whales eat krill. Kril nm nombre masculino. Plural shrimp o shrimps zoología camarón masculine gamba. However in more specific contexts the plural form can also be shrimps eg.