Shawarma Bread Recipe. Arabic Bread Arabic Food Shawarma Bread Dessert Cake Recipes Desserts Bread Recipes Cooking Recipes Zeina Home Bakery. Complete recipe with thousand island dressing and pita bread.

With the aid of a mixer or with your hands mix thoroughly to combine well. Mix the salt with the flour and make a well in the middle of the mixture then pour in the yeast and water mixture and gently fold in the flour. Here is how you cook it.
We hope you got benefit from reading it now lets go back to shawarma bread recipe.
If you want a VERY flat bread then do check out this Flour Tortilla Wrap Recipe here. Then massage the dough to a soft and smooth ball. Shawarma bread is usually used to make shawarmaThere are a lot of different recipes of shawarma. For the Homemade Shawarma Breadpita breadYoull need.