Red Jungle Fowl Flying. Hens instinctually know the safest place for them to lay. As for the flightiness some of that is due to genetics but more than most folks realize is due to husbandry technique.

Soe Hlaings image of a male Red Junglefowl flying across Tampines River in Pasir Ris Park Singapore was photographed on 22nd November 2015. Domestication of the Red Jungle Fowl The Red Jungle Fowl continental population of Gallus gallus has been found to be the origin of domestic chicken populations Fumihito et al. Got 1 extra for 5 total.
Its ability to fly upwards into trees has bee documented on video.
The first is an insight due to Darwin himself who realized that this is the ancestor of all the chicken which run around in farmyards across the world. The Red junglefowl cockerels call sounds just like his domesticated cousin but his crowing is said to be more high-pitched and ends more abruptly. Videos you watch may be added to the TVs watch history and. At week 5 its looking like I got one hen and 4 roosters which is disappointing as I hoped for more hens but it appears from other reviews that the RJF from Cackle tend to be rooster heavy.