Red Jungle Fowl Eggs. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. If you are interested in keeping Red Jungle Fowl please visit the online store for hatching eggs.

Egg yolk is a good external cryoprotectant of mammalian sperm and some wild birds sperm. Eggs and Young. The red jungle fowl is a local genetic resource that has merged to the lives of most people in rural areas in Central Bengkulu District.
This listing is for 6 Pure Red Jungle Fowl eggs for hatching Pre-sale.
A female red junglefowl will incubate a brood of three to seven pale cream or light brown eggs for 18 to 21 days. Red jungle fowl hens appeared to increase their defense of both eggs and chicks as renesting potential and hence residual reproductive value declined within and between seasons. The creamy white eggs of the junglefowl are glossy and the mean length x breadth 451 x 339 mm 434 x 335. Both young age of first reproduction and old hens defended second nests of the season more vigorously than first nests and young hens showed less defense than old hens.