Mutton Steak Mamak Recipe. Top-quality British mutton is now available in butchers farm shops and mail-order outlets throughout the country. Перевод слова mutton американское и британское произношение транскрипция muttony Read More Recipe.

Then stock is strained and mutton is kept aside. Add the spices and continue to sauté. Mutton is boiled with water ginger garlic and spices bag.
In a bowl mix together the beaten yogurt ginger-garlic paste corriander red chilli turmeric and garam masala powders green chillies and salt to taste.
Then add the rest of the ingredients. Перевод слова mutton американское и британское произношение транскрипция muttony Read More Recipe. Stir the cooked beef in and let it simmer to coat the beef. Take a legge of mutton and cot it in small slices and put it in a chafer and put therto a pottell of ale and scome it cleane then putte therto seven or eyghte onions thyn slyced and after they have boyled one hour putte therto a dyshe of swete butter and so lette them boyle tyll they be tender and then put therto.