Mutton Chop Whiskers. Mutton-chop whiskers are sideburns extending into a bead that look like a pair of mutton chops on the side of a mans face. Shave off the hairs on the neck and the chin and allow the mustache to grow.

Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find. This look is achieved when the sideburns are grown out along the jaw until the corner of the lip. Also sometimes called side curtains or side whiskers.
If you choose to grow these whiskers you can forget about looking innovative.
The chin is usually bare and it can be worn with or without a moustache. Mutton - chop whiskers sideburns that are narrow near the ear and broad and rounded near the chin 2004 Alan Hollinghurst The Line of Beauty Bloomsbury 2005 Chapter 12 To judge from the photos Geralds hippy phase had reached its counter-cultural extreme in a pair of mutton-chop whiskers. In period literature side whiskers usually refers to this style in which the whiskers hang well below the jaw line. Popovic Dannovic Monovic och Obbovic.