Meat Raffles Near Me This Weekend. If there are any meat raffles that we are missing please let us know submit the form on the Post a Raffle page. On this page you will find a yearly calendar of upcoming events as well as ongoing activities that the Chamber and our members will be hosting.

Its a fund-raising event for the East Seneca Volunteer Fire Company the first of two to be staged this year. Almost time to leave for at least 3 meat raffles Friday and our favorite one of all takes place Saturday - Seneca Hose. Meat raffles bring out the desire to win at any cost in many.
Spending dozens of dollars in an attempt to win what would likely cost 5-10 at any butcher shop.
MEAT RAFFLES Meat Raffle - Fridays Meat Raffle - Wednesdays. Meat will be picked up next day May 15th. Well start the day with a membership meeting at 1100 then the real fun starts. Once again Welcome to the fun world of Meat Raffles in Western New York.