Mackerel Sky. Never long wet and never long dry. Modified entries 2019 by Penguin Random House LLC and HarperCollins Publishers Ltd.

An extensive group of cirrocumulus or altocumulus clouds esp. Its a name given to a sky covered with those same puffy cirrocumulus and altocumulus clouds arranged in a pattern of waves with blue sky peeking through so that it resembles the scales on the back of a mackerel. A Mackerel sky is a sky that is streaked with rows of small white clouds which resemble the pattern of scales on a mackerels back.
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Mackerel Sky jewelry and art by Monica Stark. Mackerel scales and mares tails make lofty ships carry low sails. The simple bit is this. Mackerel Sky refers to a sky covered with the altocumulus or cirrocumulus clouds.