Kothey Momo. It is a half fried and half steamed momo often elongated in shape. Dehradun MOMO TRAIL - Kothey SUMAI Afghani Achari Maggi NY Cheese BBQ Cheese Momo - YouTube.

The food was delivered with the utmost care and all the hygiene procedures were followed. This momo is mostly available in chicken buff and pork. It is a half fried and half steamed momo.
Its is half fried and half steamedIt can me made with veg or meat fillings.
Soup momo or mok-thuk Tibetan is another way to serve momos where the momos are either cooked in broth for a type of dumpling soup or steamed momos are added to broth. Steamed momo served in hot sauce is called C-momo. This momo is mostly available in chicken buff and pork. Steamed Dumplings Dunked in Sichuan Pepper Spiced Roasted Soyabean and Tomato Sauce.