Kelewele. West Africa boasts a wide selection of fried plantain recipes ranging from simple plantain chips to the mouth-watering Kelewele. Kelewele is a traditional Ghanaian side dish or snack of spicy fried plantains.

SUBSCRIBE for 2 new videos per weekhttpsbitlyNanaabaskitchenSubscribeKELEWELE Spiced Fried Plantain is a popular street food in Ghana enjoyed by th. Kelewele is simply some old school deep-fried plantains caramelized with goodness to make your soul happy. Brooklyn-based healthy lifestyle brand dedicated to making innovative plantain dishes inspired by cuisine from across the globe.
Kelewele is a popular Ghanaian food made of fried plantains seasoned with spices.
Ghana Kelewele are the familiar fried plantains but with a twist. Kelewele is a sweet and spicy Ghanaian snack made with sweet plantains peppers and ginger and cloves. What is Kelewele. Seen in forbes quicktake abcnetwork.