Kelewele Ghana Food. She usually sells alongside the road always in the same spot. Kelewele is about my favorite street food in Ghana.

Just ask any Ghanaian if you dont believe me. Kelewele are often sold by African street vendors. Kelewele pronounced Kay-lay-way-lay is a popular Ghanaian dish made with fried plantains seasoned with spices.
Made with plantain ginger hot peppers and salt.
It is usually served as an accompaniment to bean stews or rice dishes although kelewele is also often sold by numerous African street vendors as a dessert. Kelewele Ghana style fried plantain is first marinated with aromatics sweet spicy and smoky. It is so enjoyable that it is not only served as a snack but is also served as a side to Ghanaian red red for dinner or lunch. I think the sun and rain have been fighting with.