Jungle Fowl Egg. Its encoded into their genes that hens would stop laying eggs at about 5 or 6 sometimes 7 eggs and start brooding. The egg was if fact a jungle fowl egg.

Red Jungle Fowl do not like to be handled. The males are elaborately ornamented with colorful feathers and a bright red fleshy comb and both male competition and female choice of particular males have been well established in this species. The wild jungle fowl usually lays two clutches of eggs a season totalling from twenty-two to twenty-six eggs.
We may not agree on the answer even though the facts say it all but in the end the answer is clear.
Eggs are shipped is 100 fresh maximum 3 days old. Chicks fledge in about 4 to 5 weeks and at 12 weeks old they are chased out of the group by their mother at which point they start a new group or join an existing one. Eggs will be collected every day and sent fresh. Chickens were brought to Sumer and Egypt by 1500 BCE and arrived in Greece around 800 BCE where the quail had been the primary source of eggs.