Iowa Pork Producers Best Tenderloin Contest. Its almost here Iowa. The winner will be named during National Pork Month in October.

Back in 2005 Dairy Sweet won the Iowa Pork Producers Best Tenderloin award and 11 years later they still have one of the best tenderloins in the state. Promoting educating and providing a leading voice for a sustainable socially responsible and globally competitive pork industry. The Pub at the Pinicon in New Hampton took home the top award in the 2019 Best Breaded Pork Tenderloin contest sponsored by the Iowa Pork Producers Association.
Through June 4 the public can submit a nomination online for the restaurant that serves their favorite tenderloin.
CLIVE Iowa KCRG - The Iowa Pork Producers Association IPPA has announced the top five finalists for the 18th annual Best Breaded Pork Tenderloin Contest in Iowa. The top five finalists have been announced for the 18 th annual Best Breaded Pork Tenderloin Contest in Iowa. Stumble Inn in Bradford. The Iowa Pork Producers Association.