Indian Red Jungle Fowl For Sale. And save 2045 Buy 50 for 349 ea. Red Jungle Fowl Gallus gallus.

Theyre both pure but have differences - which makes me believe that the original owner Issaac Richardson may have kept multiple different strains from different localities in India of the same subspecies murghi. They live in bamboo forests of India and South East Asia today and have survived here for millions of years. Rooster 45 lbs Hen 3 lbs Cockerel 4 lbs Pullet 25 lbs.
2x Indian game chicken 18 months old Both laying but getting bullied by our other chickens which is upsetting their.
Lays a tinted color egg. The red junglefowl is a tropical bird in the family Phasianidae. The red jungle fowl is about 25. It is thought to be ancestral to the domestic chicken with some hybridisation with.