How To Make Funyuns At Home. Dish 2 - egg milk salt pepper hot sauce to taste. In a large bowl mix the ground beef shredded cheese Funyuns crumbs 1 teaspoon salt and 12 teaspoon crushed red.

Line up in order on counter. Watch this nifty video of the Frito-Lay Funyuns factory. I never would have thought about making my own Peeps for Easter Klondike Bars or even Sour Patch Kids.
Pour in popcorn kernels and cover with lid shake over heat often to keep kernels moving over heat cook until there is a few seconds between pops melt last 1 T of coconut oil on popped popcorn.
This vegan recipe is a delicious fried substitute adapted from Veganachronisms blog. Of course they canthey can eat anything they wantBUTshould they. In preparation for National Geographics Saturday episode about Frito-Lay the channel has released a nostalgia-inducing video sharing how Funyuns are made. Homemade Funyuns PAGE 22 Real funyuns are made by putting cornmeal and water under high pressure.