How To Cook Stingray At Home. A 75 or 90 gallon aquarium can be used for juvenile stingrays but nothing smaller than a 180 gallon aquarium should be considered for keeping adults long term. Dip the stingray meat into the egg and milk mixture before coating with cracker crumbs on both sides.

The keys to good sambal stingray are fresh and young stingray good sambal high heat and not overcooking the fish. Place a newbanana leaf. Banana leaf wins extra brownie points for presentation.
About 7 min depending on thickness.
Place the coated meat in the heated skillet and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes. The keys to good sambal stingray are fresh and young stingray good sambal high heat and not overcooking the fish. Wrap the stingray fillets in aluminum foil and place on a baking tray in the oven for 20 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Procedure with Step-By-Sep Pictures In a pan heat oil over medium high.