Galangal Root. This version of galangal is common in many Asian cuisines and is the main ingredient in making Thai curry pastes particularly those used with seafood. Galangal Root Lesser Southeast Asian Tropical Shrub Used as a Flavoring in Indonesia and Indochina Cuisine 35 oz.

Galanga still grows wild in parts of India and in the southern Himalayas. A study published in 2014 in the Iranian Journal of Reproductive Medicine concluded that galangal root increases motility and sperm count and may also improve the sperms general health. When used against hiccups it is often combined with poor mans ginseng Codonopsis pilosula and the fungi fu-ling Chinese also known as Indian bread Wolfiporia extensa.
Alpinia Galanga or the greater galangal benefits in.
Galangal grows as a perennial and the rhizomes or roots are what is harvested and used after about 1 year of growth. The galangal leaves and root have an antidiabetic effect lowering spikes in the blood glucose levels. The size of the seed ginger called rhizome is essential to the production of ginger. Galangal root is part of the ginger family Zingiberaceae and it is native to Thailand China and Indonesia.