Gai Tod Hat Yai Recipe. Put the marinade in a large zip lock bag with the chicken and marinate for 2 3 hours at room temperature. לאחר שבריר שניה של מחשבה ביקשתי מהנהג לעצור ולחזור.

The coating is fragrant and delicious. Method for Thai Chicken Fried Hat Yai Style Gai Tod Hatyai. Gai Tod Hat Yai Ingredients.
In a mortar pestle pound peeled garlic.
Also known as Gai Tod Hat Yai or Gai Tod Hat Yat This fried garlic chicken recipe is crispy and remains juicy by sealing in all the juice and flavours. Add Thai pepper powder and pound together in the mortar. Fry the chicken for 4-6 minutes or until cooked through. Put the marinade in a large zip lock bag with the chicken and marinate for 2 3 hours at room temperature.