Do Catfish Steaks Have Bones. You could but they have lots of small bones in the meat and they have a nasty taste. Once fillet is separated from bones flip it skin side down and you can slice along skin to separate leaving you a boneless skinless fillet.

The answer to this question is YES catfish do have bones. These bones are large and orderly. A fish steak alternatively known as a fish cutlet is a cut of fish which is cut perpendicular to the spine and can either include the bones or be boneless.
Instructions to make Home fried catfish steaks bone in.
They also have whiskers-like barbels on each side of their mouth and if they are cared for and looked after properly they live up to an average of 20 years. Flounder does not have a lot of flavor so you will want to use some spices. Here is how you achieve that. Cutting the fillet is a bit different than on most fish.