Different Ginger Flower. Ginger Zingiber officinale Rosc belongs to the family Zingiberaceae in the order Zingiberales of monocotyledons which is composed of 50 genera and around 1500 species of perennial tropical herbsVarious ginger types have been characterized in Malaysia for example the haliyabetai the true ginger possessing pale-coloured rhizomes and the haliya bara and haliya indang with very. Baby ginger comes in various colors which is why it is also called green ginger pink ginger spring ginger stem ginger or new ginger.

The flowers will normally range from 5 to 10 inches in length and be purple pink white orange or red in color. Costus gingers are characterized by flowers that seem to grow in a spiral pattern hence the nickname due to the spiraling bamboo-like stalk of the plant. The butterfly ginger variety produces pink and red flowers which are not just pretty but also emit a pleasant fragrance.
Height of this plant ranges from half meter to 6 meters.
The butterfly ginger variety produces pink and red flowers which are not just pretty but also emit a pleasant fragrance. Height of this plant ranges from half meter to 6 meters. The butterfly lily is known by many different names ie Ginger Lily Garland Lily White Ginger plant and Hedychium. The butterfly ginger variety produces pink and red flowers which are not just pretty but also emit a pleasant fragrance.