Define Chops Sideburns. Recent Examples on the Web Leading the procession was GLF leader Bill Smith who embodied the decades disco glamour that day with a massive Barrymore collar long sideburns thick-rimmed aviator eyeglasses and a white handbag. Sideburns are something that just about any guy could wear without largely impacting their personal look.

Sideburns definition is - side-whiskers. Mutton chops are a few inches longer than the ear and widen at the bottom. Because the shape and style are so specially shaped you have to be extremely careful when you shave your mutton chops.
Recent Examples on the Web Leading the procession was GLF leader Bill Smith who embodied the decades disco glamour that day with a massive Barrymore collar long sideburns thick-rimmed aviator eyeglasses and a white handbag.
Recent Examples on the Web Leading the procession was GLF leader Bill Smith who embodied the decades disco glamour that day with a massive Barrymore collar long sideburns thick-rimmed aviator eyeglasses and a white handbag. Check out those mad mutton chops i bet they keep his ears warm. Sideburns are something that just about any guy could wear without largely impacting their personal look. Mutton chops beard is a kind of facial hair that is in trends for a century now.