Cook Like A Jamaican Pepper Steak Recipe. Salt and black pepper to taste 4 teaspoon soya sauce 4 tablespoon of oil 1 Combine beef meat seasoning salt 3 teaspoon soya sauce to taste and leave to marinate 1 hour. In a bowl season the beef with the salt pepper thyme paprika all-purpose seasoning and soy saucebrowning.

While the steak is cooking cut the peppers in long strips matching the length of the steak strips and add ½ red onion and a large carrot chopped. Remove steak to a plate. Jamaican Salt Mackerel Recipe.
Cover the pan and let it simmer for 30 mins on medium heat in 15 minutes.
While the steak is cooking cut the peppers in long strips matching the length of the steak strips and add ½ red onion and a large carrot chopped. Cook Like A Jamaican. Place over medium-high heat until hot. Calvins Jamaican Rum Punch Recipe.