Breath Of The Wild Raw Gourmet Meat. Breath of the Wild. Hearts Restored Category Duration Strength Hearts Restored Category Sell Price Ingredients and Sell Price Category.

Raw Gourmet Meat is the highest quality meat and can be obtained by hunting large animals such as Wolves Bears Water Buffalos. There is no worse feeling in the world than having just beaten an amazing video game - Socrates. Water Buffalo Snowcoat Fox Maraudo Wolf Required for A Rare Find Side Quest.
Hearty Steamed Meat Mighty Gourmet Spiced Meat Skewer Meat Pie Gourmet Meat Curry Seared Gourmet Steak and Enduring Steamed Meat.
Hearts Restored Category Duration Strength Hearts Restored Category Sell Price Ingredients and Sell Price Category. Expect an exquisite meal when cooking with this. Poultry Pilaf - Raw Bird Drumstick Hylian Rice Bird Egg Goat Butter. There is no worse feeling in the world than having just beaten an amazing video game - Socrates.