Bison Brisket Vs Beef Brisket. And unlike leaner beef brisket say a Select brisket where Id suggest cooking at higher temps bison brisket meat well bison if any cut siezes at high cook temps and toughens. For someone who is health-conscious this is a pretty substantial difference.

Our most hardcore grilling customers have said our brisket is a real barbecue favorite. Bison meat can be quite expensive. For someone who is health-conscious this is a pretty substantial difference.
Bison is leaner and lower in calories Bison is leaner than beef and may be a healthier choice if youre looking to reduce your calorie or fat intake.
Brisket is a beef roast but all beef roasts arent brisket. Yes its still deliciously tender. They are perfect for roasting or stewing to result in the tender juicy and fragrant meat to serve with other side dishes like salad or vegetables. When you use a beef brisket you at least have a fat cap that can help in that regard.