Big Sideburns Chops. I Just Wanted the Carl Yastrzemski With the Big Sideburns. Friendly library deleted 435am 16 June 2006.

After learning about mutton chops you should also keep in mind that there are lamb chop sideburns as well as lions mane chops. Every damn thing Post Reply Preview. Some of the worlds are.
Such sideburn beard styles without mustache run near the angles of your mouth.
Mutton chop is the name given to a unique style of sideburns that grow down to the corners of the mouth. What is so sexy about big sideburnschops etc. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine While he doesnt always sport the impressive chops as Wolverine Jackman has become the king of pop culture sideburns in the new millennium. Impartial substance deleted 15 years ago Group Description This is for all those photos of people who know that big-ass Wolverine Sideburns are really where its at.