Bavette Steak Recipe Grill. FOOD RECIPE Bavette Steak Eat or Pass youtubeshort shortvideo foodshort foodmeat grill - YouTube. Place the meat and any marinade that sticks to it on the griddle and leave for 3 minutes.

Lay the bavette steak into the searing hot pan. Then after the resting phase cut the meat against the grain and at a slight bias to keep the steak pieces tender. Sea Salt unrefined Fat 2 Tablespoon Butter Salted Take one to two pounds of rich and juicy steak ground fresh black pepper for additional flavor and texture.
Once crust has formed on both sides reduce heat to medium and cook 3-4 minutes each side for rare.
When the smoker or grill is at the target temperature place steak on grates. Move the steak to the grills indirect side to finish cooking to an internal temperature of 130 degrees. FOOD RECIPE Bavette Steak Eat or Pass youtubeshort shortvideo. Remove the steak from heat wrap in foil and allow to rest for ten minutes.