Atsuage. Although deep fried it is still quite. Atsuage is Golden Deep Fried Tofu which I bought a packet from Japanese supermarket.

In Japan cubes of lightly coated and fried tofu topped with a kombu dashi-based sauce are called agedashi dōfu 揚げ出し豆腐. The last known position was K525 X289 Y553. I am also using a packet 200g of Konnyaku Noodle it is made from Arum Root ready bought from Japanese supermarket too.
Atsuage Deep Fried Tofu is a very popular ingredient among Japanese people as a cheap source of protein.
If you are looking for a healthy dinner give it a try. Atsuage can be served on its own with a sauce o. On the inside the tofu should remain silky soft. Atsuage is an important ingredient in Japanese cooking so much so that you can find it in almost every bento box from any supermarket across the country.