Alkaline Oyster Mushrooms. Begin sifting in the flour a little at a time and stir with a whisk to minimize lumps Continue to cook to a boil adding remaining water if desired Enjoy your Alkaline Mushroom Onion Gravy with Kamut or your favorite dish. Dice them slice them or use them whole.

It is suitable for people with hyper-tension obesity and diabetes due to its low sodium. Preheat oven to 400F Lightly coat baking sheet with oil then place mushrooms on sheet. This agreed with data of Jasinghe and Perera 2006 who treated the oyster mushrooms from cap and gill side for 1 h each and found 1840 μg D 2 g 1 DM.
Oyster mushrooms have beneficial high fiber content and alkaline ash content.
Oyster mushrooms are high in potassium yet have a low sodiumpotassium ratio and are also low in starch fat and caloric value. Enjoy your Alkaline Mushroom Chicken Tenders. Oyster mushrooms have beneficial high fiber content and alkaline ash content. Oyster mushrooms are an interesting source of biologically active glucans and other polysaccharides.