Alkaline Mushrooms List. As you can see in the alkaline food list lemon has high levels of Alkaline. Sebi Said Mushrooms Are Alkaline And Good To Eat.

Highly Alkaline Moderately Alkaline Mildly Alkaline ima Beans Butter Beans Edamame White Navy beans Granulated Soy Red Pepper seasoning Cayenne seasoning Garlic seasoning Ginger seasoning Onion seasoning Ginseng Oregano Sorrel Avocado Beetroot Radish Fresh Ginger Tomatoes Green Beans Cabbage Chinese red and white Bell Peppers Asparagus Artichokes Lotus Root Jicama. There are plenty of delicious ways to cook mushrooms such as cutting them up and frying them baking the mushrooms or stuffing them. You will find nuts and legumes listed for alkalizing protein on the alkaline vs acidic foods chart but the other foods listed in the alkaline side of the chart also contain protein.
Citrus fruits though it may seem to have a tendency of acidifying in reality they have loads of Alkaline and help in the pH balance of the body.
The pH scale is from 0 - 14. Amaranth greens same as Callaloo a variety of Spinach. Almond Milk unsweetened Low. There are plenty of delicious ways to cook mushrooms such as cutting them up and frying them baking the mushrooms or stuffing them.